Day 2

We’ve just about finished our second day and it’s been another successful one.

Having woken up to the beautiful sounds of someone shouting, “IT’S 5:18! IT’S 5:18!!” and knocking on everyone’s doors, we’ve had plenty of time to enjoy our day.

No, I’m not quite sure what the rush was to get up quite that early. Maybe all the boys take that long to get ready for a 7:45am breakfast? Maybe we should’ve spent more lessons on time in the class? Or maybe someone had a flight to catch. I guess we’ll never know.

Following a breakfast of bacon butties and spaghetti hoops (a slightly odd combination), we’ve set about completing a host of different activities. Essentially:

-          Climbing
Everyone did a great job going up the wall and it was good to see lots of them put so much effort in. At the top of the wall, there was a bell to ring. Lots of them managed to reach the top, but a few of the children were a bit disappointed that, having rung the bell, their parents didn’t turn up and ask them what it was they desired.
-          Raft Building
The task here was to, in groups, build a sea-worthy raft that would be able to carry them out onto the lake. One group called their craft the ‘Titanic’. The similarities were stark. Not only did it sink completely, but this was in spite of a painstaking construction process. The only difference was that, on this boat, everyone had terribly uncomfortable seats.
-          Buggy Building
They had to use a variety of materials to build a buggy. Then, at least in the group that I was watching, small girls pulled larger boys around. Mrs Jaworski tried it and said that it was, “A bit bumpy but very exciting.” The same comment she made after her last parents' evening.
-          Vertical Challenge
The children had to climb up a variety of different obstacles, one after the other. One of the instructors asked the children what their favourite food/drink was so that she could call them that as a nickname. Let me tell you, Broccoli did a great job and got to the top, Tofu was very encouraging and Lobster Thermidor didn’t give up.  
-          Rifle shooting
I didn’t get a chance to see them to do this. However, Ben hit the bullseye and the instructor left with the same number of eyes he entered with, so I’ll put that down as a success.
-          Quadbiking
They all said that this was very good, even though about half of the group had quadbikes at home.

Whilst they were doing the activities, Mrs Jaworski and I went round their rooms and rated them on cleanliness. The scores ranged from 4 out of 5 (girls) to 0 out of 5 (boys). We also awarded bonus points for teddies in interesting positions. Take a look at some of the great ideas they had below – a murder mystery and some of them using the room’s facilities.

After all that, we had a bit of a run around and then had either chicken nuggets or the authentic Chinese meal of noodles, chips, green beans and tomato ketchup. Then it was time for a game of capture the flag. One team picked to be USA and spent a long while chanting, “USA, USA!” – Clearly all happy about Donald’s meeting with Kim.

That's it, off to bed now. We're all doing very well!

Here’s more photos. I’m not going to put a caption up each time…


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