We're Arrived!

Yes, that's right, after what was a calm, relaxing 2-hour drive whilst listening to radio 5-live (I presume everyone on the coach was doing the same as me), we've arrived at Caythorpe.

This is usually the part of our blog where I make it out that everything is really fancy and high-tech, even if it's actually all just a little dilapidated. However, on this occasion, everything here genuinely seems nice! The children all have fancy en-suite rooms, there's a huge number of modern and exciting-looking activities available and the staff get a personal little room (with TV) to relax in. Perfect!

Nothing too much of note has happened so far, but here's a quick run-down:

- Everyone seems to have enjoyed their dinner, even if a surprising number of them have informed me that they 'don't eat any vegetables'. I couldn't see anyone who didn't eat doughnuts.

- We played a photo challenge game in the evening. This involved the year 6s running around the site trying to photograph themselves in as many different locations and doing as many different activities as possible. From this I learnt two things:
 1) That Alban has a beautiful voice and he's able to put together a very moving rendition of the frozen song 'Let it go'.
2) That the 'whip nae nae' is about as annoying as the floss.

- It turns out that the weather here is exactly the same as the rest of the UK. Glorious sunshine into pouring rain within 3 minutes.

That's it really. Everyone is now in bed (I'm genuinely the only person still up) and we're all looking forward to getting going properly in the morning.

Here's a few photos - do feel free to leave comments.

Sure, Kai, Ben and Joey's room isn't quite as fancy as some of the others, but it'll be great for when it's lunch time.

Yes, in hindsight, I probably should've warned them that the floor was electrified.

The list of challenges they had to complete.

Sorry for the poor quality, it's a photo of a photo, but hopefully you can see how big Erin's got already.

Jack struggled to get his team to agree on which Disney princess was their favourite.

As it was raining, I gave my 2-hour lecture on the finer details of our tax system. It had a mixed reaction.


  1. Looks like you're having fun. Year 5 are missing you!


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